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Dr. G. P. Raju


The aim of this study was to find out the effects of plyometric training and circuit training onselected performance variables of school kho kho players. For this purpose randomly selected 75 schoollevel kho kho players from Andhra Pradesh was selected and the performance variables selected weresingle chain run and double chain run. The study was formulated as a true random group designconsisting of a pre-test and post test. The subjects (N=75) were randomly assigned to three equal groupsof twenty five school boys. The groups were designed as experimental group I – plyometric traininggroup, experimental group II Circuit training group and control group respectively. Pre test wasconducted for all the 75 subjects on selected performance variables. The experimental groups(plyometric and circuit training) participated in respective training for a period of six weeks. The controlgroup did not participated in any of the training programme. The post test was conducted on the abovesaid dependent variables after a period of six weeks for all the three groups. The obtained data weresubjected to statistical analysis using ANCOVA. When significant F values obtained the results werefurther subjected to post hoc analysis using Scheffee’s confidence interval test. RESULTS adjusted posttest means were determined and analysis of covariance was done and the obtained F value 66.95 onsingle chain run and 101.10 on double chain run were greater than the required value of 3.13 and hence itwas accepted that the plyometric training and circuit training, significantly improved the performancevariables of kho kho playersd. The post hoc analysis on single chain run and double chain run on theobtained ordered adjusted means proved that there was significant differences existed between controlgroup and plyometric training group and control group and circuit training group. This proved that dueto six weeks plyometric training single chain run of the School Kho Kho players improvedsignificantly.While comparing between the two experimental groups, it was found that plyometric traininggroup was significantly better than circuit training group in improving single chain run and double chainrun of school kho kho players. CONCLUSIN Based on the results of this study, it was found plyometrictraining was better than circuit training in improving performance variables of school kho kho players.


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